Source code for shiv.bootstrap

import site
import sys
import shutil

from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path
from py_compile import compile

from .environment import Environment
from .interpreter import execute_interpreter
from .utils import current_zipfile, silence_stderr

[docs]def import_string(import_name): """Returns a callable for a given setuptools style import string :param import_name: A console_scripts style import string """ import_name = str(import_name).replace(":", ".") try: import_module(import_name) except ImportError: if "." not in import_name: # this is a case like "import name", where continuing to the # next style of import would not improve the situation, so # we raise here. raise else: return sys.modules[import_name] # this is a case where the previous attempt may have failed due to # not being importable. ("not a package", etc) module_name, obj_name = import_name.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = __import__(module_name, None, None, [obj_name]) except ImportError: # Recurse to support importing modules not yet set up by the parent module # (or package for that matter) module = import_string(module_name) try: return getattr(module, obj_name) except AttributeError as e: raise ImportError(e)
[docs]def cache_path(archive, root_dir, build_id): """Returns a ~/.shiv cache directory for unzipping site-packages during bootstrap. :param ZipFile archive: The zipfile object we are bootstrapping from. :param str buidl_id: The build id generated at zip creation. """ root = root_dir or Path("~/.shiv").expanduser() name = Path(archive.filename).stem return root / f"{name}_{build_id}"
[docs]def extract_site_packages(archive, target_path): """Extract everything in site-packages to a specified path. :param ZipFile archive: The zipfile object we are bootstrapping from. :param Path target_path: The path to extract our zip to. """ target_path_tmp = Path(target_path.parent, target_path.stem + ".tmp") for filename in archive.namelist(): if filename.startswith("site-packages"): archive.extract(filename, target_path_tmp) # compile pyc with stderr silenced with silence_stderr(): for py_file in target_path_tmp.glob('**/*.py'): compile(py_file) # atomic move shutil.move(target_path_tmp.as_posix(), target_path.as_posix())
[docs]def bootstrap(): """Actually bootstrap our shiv environment.""" # get a handle of the currently executing zip file archive = current_zipfile() # create an environment object (a combination of env vars and json metadata) env = Environment.from_json("environment.json").decode()) # get a site-packages directory (from env var or via build id) site_packages = cache_path(archive, env.root, env.build_id) / "site-packages" # determine if first run or forcing extract if not site_packages.exists() or env.force_extract: extract_site_packages(archive, site_packages.parent) # stdlib blessed way of extending path site.addsitedir(site_packages) # do entry point import and call if env.entry_point is not None and env.interpreter is None: mod = import_string(env.entry_point) try: mod() except TypeError as e: # catch "<module> is not callable", which is thrown when the entry point's # callable shares a name with it's parent module # e.g. "from import bar; bar()" getattr(mod, env.entry_point.replace(":", ".").split(".")[1])() else: # drop into interactive mode execute_interpreter()
if __name__ == "__main__": bootstrap()